Design Studio 01

Research through Design

  • Pluriversal design (Escobar, 2018)

  • Transition design

  • Social design

  • Critical and speculative design


Design oriented research serves as a tool for conducting research and generating knowledge


First person methodologies: What, why how?

There’s a bigger chance of something solving a problem coming from a first person perspective. If it works for you it’ll probably work for someone else too in a similar position


  • Experiential

  • Crafting

  • Understanding and augmenting

  • Socio-political

What do we know about 1PP

  • It’s a way of acting

  • It’s a way of looking at things

  • It’s a way of being involved


  • Working with materials at hand

  • Putting yourself at risk

  • Commiting to 1PP in practice

Task 1

Design space

  • A navigational tool in the (design) practice to ground reflection

  • A visual database to collect references, projects, materials, prototypes, etc.

  • Space for defining collections of ideas and concepts

See which pile has more entries so you can identify your interests

  • A mirror, to define reflection as bringing unconscious experience to awareness, question values and perspectives we unconsciously embody as designers

  • It’s dynamic, and iterative to allow for calibration or practice

Key roles

  1. Situating

    1. Understanding surroundings to allow links to arise

  2. Organizational

  3. Narrative

    1. Understand narrative better through the diversity. See what conversations arise

  4. Performative

    1. Combining design spaces - collaborative design spaces. Give feedback to oneself

  5. Inspirational

    1. Observe what might 💥spark💥

Alternative presents

Understanding our overarching narratives, Making sense of the alternative presents you are creating with

Open escape routes to the present continuities, offering space to radically imagine and probe discontinuities.


A continuity is my daily routine of society. A discontinuity occurs when an intervention happens to the continuity.

Present continuities ➡️ (oportunity) ➡️ Alternative present

Present continuities

The citizens of Barcelona like ourselves, are part of a society that is based on Planned obsolescence revolving on non renewable materials as a main source for ideation and fabrication in almost all areas of society; therefore their actions reflect and feed the system further worsening the situation.

This approach is not sustainable long term, or takes into account the future society that may differ from today’s needs, practices and cultures.

Alternative present

The citizens of Barcelona like ourselves, are educated on the use of the materials, processes, and “implications” of the natural world such as bees, moss, and mycelium. This mentality is applied on all possible areas of society such as architecture, mass production, and waste management while taking into account the human sensory experience as a priority . A new era of Nature(al) intervention was born, the end of the conventional anthropocene

Transforming scales

Country (Educational policies and laws that enable the individual to exercise their rights to learn beyond basic learning)


City (Create and foster collaboration centres among different stakeholders to enable education and application)


Neighborhood (Allow for citizens to collaborate and start conversing on a common level)


Family (Create an environment that helps curate and pass down knowledge to the young ones)


Citizen 😀 (Practical application to become a part of a society)


Kid (Education, values, practices)


Baby (Stimuli and context it grows up in)

Multi-scalar mapping

  • Contribute to the design space in 1PP research

  • Practitioners might feel disempowered to tackle current crisis and emerging futures

  • Available resources, agency, capacity and the scope of the action

  • Show interconnection among different scales (bodies to planets)

  • How our interest are present at different scales?


How do you see your purpose in the different scales you are traversing?

Design interventions (Design actions)

Every 2 weeks

A design action developed with others in context, an opportunity to co-create and iterate prototypes with others. We want to transform ourselves and others through design and reflection (maybe there will be shifts in perspective). An experience to learn through situated action

🕶️ The purpose is to test things out and see if i actually enjoy it