🎏Collective Intervention Vol. 1
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For our second intervention for the course, we were asked to do a Collaborative Design Space with the whole class. From there we started to make connections among all of the topics that interested us, leading us to find our group to do Design Intervention No. 2 – a collaborative approach. For me, it meant working with some amazing people: Carlos Silveira, Maithili Sathe and Paula Rydel; for we had a common ground on our design spaces.
This common ground was simple at first sight but more complex if you zoomed in. In the end, we concluded that where all of our (different) design spaces merged was in the topic of Symbiotic nature cultures.
Once we had settled on what the common ground was for all of us to take something from this intervention that would serve for our individual uses and interest, we proceeded to write down some ideas of what we could do as an intervention; more importantly... what we wanted to take from this experience. After some initial sketches and discussions, we settled on an amazing idea: a collective "cookbook" of ancient nature cultures.
Here's the result of the intervention:
As a result of the intervention, we got to know a lot of different perspectives of what a "future nature culture" could look like, and what that meant to each and everyone of the participants. We drew ideas and conclusions from the tiles that they created, which further enriched the experience for the next person interacting with us. Overall we got a variety of different focuses and cores for what each person's nature culture meant. It was very interesting seeing what people considered to be a priority in what a culture holds closely.
The common ground among the participants lies in their shared aspiration for a culture that balances sustainability, spirituality, and community. They collectively advocate for practices that respect nature, enhance health, and foster meaningful relationships, while challenging extractive and impersonal systems. Their vision underscores an integrated approach to living that harmonizes ecological, ethical, and humanistic values.