Living with your own ideas
A course on identity and philosophy
Last updated
A course on identity and philosophy
Last updated
A prosthetics mainly connects to your body, it works as a framework for scale
Everything can be a prosthesis, whatever our body CANNOT do has the potential to become a prosthetics
Plastic surgery is the democratization of beauty
Aesthetic approach
What is beauty in philosophy?
Biologic functionality approach
Habit based approach
Productivity approach
Deep journaling, documenting all your life in real time
Un guante con un librito de páginas en la palma
A thing that will let you listen to yourself before speaking to others
A blinding apparatus that means we don’t go by looks
Mirror glasses
In the end, I selected the topic of being able to listen to yourself before you speak. For me the best version of myself is wherever I feel self aware and conscious of the impact that I'm having on the world. Whatever comes out of your mind can alter your whole universe by ways of declaring and manifestation, and most importantly these words can have an impact on your close ones; either by building them up or drawing them down.
What would I want to become?
A book (a log of my experiences)
Write on a piece of plastic film wrap a lot of things. Cover yourself around it
ITERATION: Write symbols that only YOU can understand, if someone wants to get to know you they have to learn the script
What makes a book a book?
Light (a being of light)
A lamp
The sun
A amoeba
Un tardigrado
Non vascular
A giraffe
A jellyfish
No brain
An owl
360 view
For this second prosthesis I choose to be a book, a story, a diary of some sorts. I wanted to represent the idea that us as humans are fleeting; everything that we thought, all the experiences we had can only have our own perspective and eventually must die with us. I had the idea of some sort of tattoo / script that could work as a journal of your thoughts, of your life basically. I wanted to keep the concept that only "you" can understand yourself, so for this I implemented a made up script that no one could read but yourself. Later I joined it with the concept of someone else can actually learn to read your script, either your loved ones or important people in your life (someone with whom you feel comfortable enough to share your innermost thoughts).
An old soul
What prosthetics would I need to experience being an old soul?
Arthritis inducing gloves
Noise dampening headphones
vinyl player
no worries
a Pocket watch